Emphasis and Balance




    Can you spot the difference? Emphasis and Balance can be a little similar. Interestingly, Balance involves Symmetry. A single line can be drawn in the centre and Symmetry is created. Emphasis on the other hand involves a single focal point. As referred to the picture above, the centre is the emphasized point. Note that it can also have symmetry if a straight line is drawn in the centre.

A trial sketch of the human eye in a psychedelic manner to perform Balance. 


With just the use of dots in continuity, I drew this face to indicate Balance. Although there is no perfect symmetry here, balance still plays its role well; A pair of eyes, a pair of ears.

The image above represents humans of higher possibilities. The Emphasis is the third eye, in the centre, which opens the path to the dimensions beyond physicality. 


Figure ground is used to achieve the Emphasis. With the similar technique of dots, the face of a person is the boundary of the emphasis, where symmetry can also be achieved. The focal point or the Emphasis is the person in black. The depiction of this image is open to all possibilities.
